Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Setting Goals

Setting goals is not only the bridge to your future but also the bridge to your dreams. No matter who you are, you should set goals for yourself to achieve each day. Some individuals may see this as extreme but it allows individuals a schedule to follow to succeed in bettering their future. When you set goals it allows you to better time manage because you have an idea of what you want to complete that day. When people waste their entire day doing nothing it furthers the length between them and their dreams, whereas when an individual sets goals and achieves those goals a gap is closed between that individual and their dreams. There is a saying that goes “Either you work now and play later or play now and work later” either of these options involves work. It is better to work as a young adult and relax as an elderly adult rather than relax as a young adult and work as an elderly adult. With every outcome there was once a choice and the choice is yours to decide.

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